Chat Filter (Automod)

Configuring Default Filters


!setracism <0|1|2>

Setting 0 disables the filter. Setting 1 deletes the message. Setting 2 deletes the message and bans the user.

Identity (Homophobic slurs, etc)

!sethp <0|1|2>

Setting 0 disables the filter. Setting 1 deletes the message. Setting 2 deletes the message and bans the user.


!setnsfw <0|1|2>

Setting 0 disables the filter. Setting 1 deletes the message. Setting 2 deletes the message and bans the user. Note this filter is for chat, and does not detect images.

Swear Filter

!setswear <0|1|2>

Setting 0 disables the filter. Setting 1 deletes the message. Setting 2 deletes the message and bans the user.

Create your own filter

You can easily disallow certain words from your server.

For example, to add a word to your server-specific filter do: !filter <word> (Such as !filter clowns)

To view the words you are currently filtering do: !filter view

To clear your custom filter do: !filter clear

Additionally, you can set the action for a detection of your custom filter with:

!setcustom <0|1|2>

Setting 0 disables the filter. Setting 1 deletes the message. Setting 2 deletes the message and bans the user.

Toggle filters in a specific channel

To disable (or re-enable) all filters in a channel do, navigate to the channel and do:


Bypass filters

You can exempt users from filters with:

!filterbyp <@user|id>

For example: !filterbyp @Jeff or !filterbyp 238234234

AI Automod*

This premium feature can be enabled with !automod. This leverages machine learning mods to detect toxicity. This is an experimental feature that is currently being expanded upon.

Last updated