
We believe you should be able to define a channel per log, or all your logs in one channel.

Set the log channel for all logs

You have the option to set the log channel for all log types. Simply type:

!setalllogch <#channel | id | clear>

For example: !setalllogch #logs OR !setalllogch 238492348

You can also clear all log channel configuration with !setalllogch clear

Message logs

Set where message logs are sent

!setmsglogch <#channel | id | clear>

Disable message logs for a channel

Sometimes, for example, administrators don't want message logs (such as edit logs) for admin only channels. To do this, simply navigate to the channel and do: !logbl

Filter (automod) logs

!setfiltlogch <#channel | id | clear>

Ban logs

!setbanlogch <#channel | id | clear>

Role logs

!setrolelogch <#channel | id | clear>

Voice Chat logs

!setvclogch <#channel | id | clear>

Channel logs

!setchlogch <#channel | id | clear>

Join and Leave logs

!setjllogch <#channel | id | clear>

Staff Channel

Some features send alerts to staff. To set your server's staff alert channel, enter the channel and do:


This setting can be cleared with !setstaffch clear

Last updated