Additional Features

Dehoist, new user warnings,

New User Warnings

People who are banned often make another account to troll or cause problems. Pagibot allows you to alert your staff when an account that was created in the last 30 minutes joins. To enable this feature do:

!newwarn <true/false>

(!newwarn true will enable it, while !newwarn false will disable it)

Note: To use this your staff channel must be set. For more information see here.

Auto Role

Automatically assign a user a role when they join. To do this:

!setautorole <@role|id> - For example: !setautorole @JeffRole

To clear:

!setautorole clear


Sometimes users put special characters as the first character of their names to appear at the top of the user list. To automatically prevent this you can toggle dehoist:



This is considered a legacy feature (with reaction roles). However, you can manage a list of roles that users can assign themselves:

To add a role to your servers sRole list:

!setsrole <@role|id> - For example: !setsrole @JeffRole

To clear your servers sRoles:

!setsrole clear

Then, users can view the list of available sRoles with !srole, and assign themselves a role with !srole <role number from list>

Welcome Message

Pagibot can send a user a message when they first join. To use this welcome messages must be enabled in your discord guild settings.

To set the welcome message

!setwelcome <message> - For example: !setwelcome welcome! will send "@User welcome!" when they join.

To clear the welcome message:

!setwelcome clear


There are several commands that relate to the bot itself:

!rollcredits - The credits of Pagibot

!shill - Donation information

!servercount - Bot information

!vote - Vote for the bot

!nm - memes

Last updated